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Neighbours to the construction site
Current work

Current work

Current work

Sheet metal work

Sheet pile walls need to be erected at the work harbour east of Rødbyhavn. The sheet pile walls consist of steel that is vibrated or hit into the ground. The work can be heard in the surrounding area but is below the noise limit set by the authorities.

The work is expected to start in October 2021 and will be on and off until the summer of 2022.

The work is being carried out Monday to Friday in the period from 0700-1800.

New work harbour and construction site east of Rødbyhavn

The work harbour plays a central role in the construction of the 18 km immersed tunnel between Denmark and Germany. The harbour will keep the construction site supplied over the entire construction period and handle the shipment of the finished tunnel elements to their destination in the Fehmarnbelt.

The establishment of the work harbour began in 2020 and will be finished by the end of 2021. The harbour will be the largest in Northern Europe and, with an area of 500,000 square metres, it will be twice as large as Rødbyhavn harbour.

Work on the tunnel factory began in 2021. With an area of around 150 football pitches, it will be the largest factory in Denmark and a key cornerstone of the tunnel construction. The factory is expected to be finished in 2023.

The construction work is being carried out 24-7 with an upper noise limit that varies at different times. Most activities take place on weekdays from 07.00-18.00 with the highest appropriate noise levels.

Noise measurements

Femern A/S has set up sound level meters in pre-selected locations in the area to be able to document the noise from the work. The results of the noise measurements are regularly published on Femern A/S' environmental portal, Ægir.

Noise management plan

The current noise management plans for the project are on Femern A/S' environmental portal, Ægir.

The noise management plan contains information on noisy construction activities and the measures that are implemented to manage them.

The noise management plan is revised on an ongoing basis: when the project enters a new phase or in instances of other changes that have an impact on the noise environment.

The contractors’ planning forms the basis for the noise management plan's section on anticipated noise.

In consequence, it is also the contractors’ responsibility to ensure that the authorities' requirements are complied with.

All information about the anticipated and actual noise is assessed on an ongoing basis by Femern A/S.

Connecting Europe
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Language: English