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The Fehmarnbelt Tunnel will be built sustainably

Focus on four areas:

Sund & Bælt’s climate work is split into four areas which cover the construction and operational phases. They also reflect Femern A/S’ potential for contributing to the green transition of the transport, engineering and construction sectors. Sund & Bælt will closely monitor developments to ensure that its climate strategy can be adjusted on an ongoing basis ahead of the opening of the tunnel so as to reflect new knowledge and new technologies.

1. Sund & Bælt to play a part in the development of a sustainable European transport network

Sund & Bælt will play a part in the development of a sustainable European transport network. The Fehmarnbelt fixed link will be a transport hub for road and rail.  It will create a green transport corridor with a fully electrified railway and a direct road link between Scandinavia and central Europe.

Sund & Bælt will strengthen this responsibility through three specific initiatives:

  • Create a fully electrified railway;
  • Establish infrastructure to handle the green fuels of the future;
  • Ensure that the link can accommodate green vehicles of the future.

Sund & Bælt will closely monitor developments within various technologies.

2. Sund & Bælt to build in a climate-friendly way

As the Client, Sund & Bælt's objective is to ensure the utmost consideration for the climate during the construction of the Fehmarnbelt tunnel. Sund & Bælt aims to bring total CO2 emissions during the construction phase below the emissions level defined in the EIA report.

Specifically, Sund & Bælt will focus on five initiatives:

  • To build the Fehmarnbelt tunnel as a sustainable long-term investment;
  • To design the Fehmarnbelt link with the utmost consideration for the climate;
  • To minimise the carbon footprint of materials;
  • To oversee the contractors and engage in constructive dialogue;
  • To continue to set ambitious climate requirements in future contracts.

3) Sund & Bælt to support the development of a green building and construction sector

Sund & Bælt will exploit the opportunities inherent in establishing a construction site for the largest construction project in the history of Denmark. Sund & Bælt will encourage contractors to use relevant parts of the construction to develop green solutions. 

In this supporting role, Sund & Bælt will specifically focus on four initiatives:

  • Support green pilot projects;
  • Enable the use of alternative fuels at the construction site;
  • Promote sustainable behaviour at the construction site;
  • Share knowledge and insight with the building and construction industry. 

4. Sund & Bælt to operate a climate-friendly tunnel

Sund & Bælt's objective is for the operation of the Fehmarnbelt fixed link, which will open in 2029, to be CO2e neutral. This will be achieved through the deployment of energy-efficient solutions, the procurement of green energy for the operation of the link through green Power Purchase-Agreements (PPA) and by planting new forests that absorb CO2.

Sund & Bælt will achieve this ambition through three specific initiatives:

  • Optimise energy efficiency in the operation of the link;
  • Ensure 100% green energy for the operation of the link;
  • Offset remaining emissions through afforestation.