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Decent pay and working conditions

Decent conditions during the construction phase

The main contractors are responsible for ensuring that both they and the sub-contractors meet Sund & Bælt’s requirements for decent conditions throughout the construction of the Fehmarnbelt tunnel.

Sund & Bælt co-operates with the authorities in Denmark and Germany and also works closely with the contractors and trades unions on the conditions for everyone employed on the project.

Housing conditions

A good standard of accommodation for all employees is important for creating a sense of well-being and a healthy working environment.  Sund & Bælt has set requirements for contractors to ensure proper housing conditions for employees who cannot reasonably be expected to commute between their home and workplace.

Special accommodation for 1,300 workers will be established close to the construction site, including a canteen and communal facilities. Minimum requirements have been set for room size, noise and light attenuation, the indoor climate, interior design, internet access, etc. The accommodation is also equipped with own bathroom and WC.

Accommodation is voluntary. Employees are also welcome to arrange their own housing for family or other reasons. According to the agreement between the contractor and Sund & Bælt, such accommodation must be of at least the same standard as that offered in the 'tunnel town'.

Pay and working conditions

Sund & Bælt has incorporated clauses regarding pay and working conditions in Denmark and Germany in all relevant contracts. In Denmark, pay and working conditions are agreed between the relevant parties in the Danish labour market and in accordance with Danish and international legislation. The requirements concern:


  • The minimum wage, overtime payment, holiday allowance, etc.
  • Working hours regulations according to Danish and German legislation
  • Pension

Construction phase

The Fehmarnbelt tunnel project will create many thousands of new jobs, particularly during the construction phase. The tunnel will also provide jobs after the opening as people will be required for operations and maintenance work. Apprenticeships, internships and student placements will also be created.

Read more about work experience at the Fehmarnbelt project.

Connecting Europe
Language: English

Language: English