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Apprentice to the Fehmarnbelt project

Quality training

Femern A/S’ major construction contracts stipulate 500 full-time apprenticeships/traineeships. The requirement has been set out in the form of target figures in all relevant tenders and contracts and reflects the importance given to a high standard of training for each apprentice/trainee.

Work experience placements are also available with Sund & Bælt and with the relevant sub-contractors and will continue throughout the construction period. 

“This place is very professional. They really have a handle on things. People come from all over the world to work here. If you want to learn something new, you have that opportunity. You can really see that you are working on something huge.”

Marc Hilskov, apprentice building instructor

Meeting trainee requirements

Sund & Bælt supports its contractors with regard to meeting trainee requirements. It also participates in networks and collaborates with local and regional business colleges, builders of other major Danish infrastructure projects and labour market parties.

If you wish to become an apprentice or an intern on the Fehmarnbelt tunnel project, you should contact the contractors or the relevant sub-contractors.


If you wish to become an apprentice or an intern on the Fehmarnbelt tunnel project, you should contact the contractors or the relevant sub-contractors.

All apprenticeship positions are advertised on Femernlink Contractors’ website or at Læ

If you would like further information about FLC’s apprenticeship scheme or upcoming apprenticeships, please contact

Contact FBC

Fehmarn Belt Contractors (FBC) can be contacted via the consortium’s website:

Contact FLC

Femern Link Contractors (FLC) can be contacted via the consortium’s website:

Connecting Europe
Language: English

Language: English