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12 June 2023

Four international consortia bid to build climate-friendly railway in the Fehmarnbelt tunnel

Femern A/S has prequalified four international consortia in the competition to build the electrified railway in the Fehmarnbelt tunnel to Germany. The contract has an expected total tender price of approximately DKK 1.5 billion and focuses on climate-friendly solutions during construction and in operation.

Femern A/S has appointed the four consortia that will compete for the last major contract for the construction of the Fehmarnbelt tunnel to Germany. The contract concerns the construction of a 25 km railway section plus catenary system, with an emphasis on climate-friendly solutions.  

The work has been put out to tender with an expected total tender price of approximately DKK 1.5 billion.  

A total of nine large consortia had applied to be prequalified to tender for the contract. Of these, four consortia have now been selected to participate in the ongoing process which will result in the final award of the contract.   

The four consortia are:

  • PORR (Austria, Germany)
  • TSO - Swietelsky (France, Austria)
  • Aarsleff Rail - Rhomberg (Denmark, Austria)
  • ACSA - Cobra (Spain)

The four selected consortia meet all the prequalification requirements for documented experience, e.g. rail safety and compliance with CSR-related requirements.  

"Our objective is to deliver a climate neutral railway when in operation and contribute to the green transition of the transport sector. Following intense competition, we have now selected the four consortia with the strongest hand to bid for the contract and deliver a railway which both during construction and in operation is focused on climate-friendly solutions,” says Kirsten Christensen, Contract Director, Femern A/S, with responsibility for the railway installations.

The TTC contract (Tunnel Track and Catenary) comprises a two-track railway and catenary system built for 200 km/hour, of which 19 km are connected to the tunnel and approximately 6 km are outside the tunnel on the Danish and German sides.  

When it comes to the final tender, Femern A/S will emphasise price, methods and organisation that minimise risk in execution, and solutions that address the challenging space conditions in the tunnel. The contractor will also be required to carry out the work in a climate-friendly way, including a clear target for CO2 emissions during the construction period.

The tender will be conducted as a negotiated procedure and with the four consortia in place the dialogue can now get underway with each individual bidder, says Kirsten Christensen.

"With the four participants, we now have a solid basis on which to continue the competition for the contract, and we look forward to engaging in a close and thorough dialogue. We expect to be presented with technical solutions that are in the absolute top league as far as the railway sector is concerned,” says Kirsten Christensen.

Femern A/S expects to receive the final bids in mid-2024. The contract will then be awarded at the beginning of 2025 at the latest, with start-up shortly afterwards.

When the tunnel with its electrified railway is completed in 2029, it will be a green 'shortcut' for the transport of freight and passengers by rail to Europe with travel time of seven minutes across Fehmarnbelt. It will also save a 160 km detour.

Construction work in Rødbyhavn and Puttgarden is well underway with a 2,000-strong workforce employed in the construction of the tunnel factory and the production of tunnel elements.

Connecting Europe
Language: English

Language: English